Serat wirid Hidayat Jati, one of the ancient Javanese testament books

Posted by NIN 6:24 PM, under | 1 comment

Serat wirid Hidayat Jati, is one of the ancient Javanese testament book written by Raden Ngabehi Ronggowarsito a nobleman from the Kingdom of Surakarta, Java, Indonesia antiquity. This book is printed by N.V. Mij. t / vd / z ALBERT RUSCHE & CO.., Surakarta in 1908. This book contains about human origins and man's relationship with God. The core of this book is a combination of Javanese culture and Islamic guidance.

This book contains among others:

Wejangan ke-1 Ananing Dzat
Sajatine ora ana apa-apa awit duk maksih awang-uwung durung ana sawiji-wiji, kang ana dhingin Ingsun, sajatine kang maha suci anglimputi ing sipat Ingsun, anartaning asman Ingsun, amratandhani ing apngalIngsun.

Surely God existed before the created universe and its contents.

Wejangan ke-2 Wahananing Dzat
Sajatine Ingsun dat kang amurba amisesa kang kawasa anitahake sawiji-wiji, dadi sanalika, sampurna saka kodrat Ingsun, ing kono wus kanyatan pratandhaning apngal Ingsun kang minangka bebukaning iradat Ingsun, kang dhingin Ingsun anitahake kayu aran sajaratulyakin tumuwuh ing sajroning alam ngadam makdum ajali abadi. Nuli cahya aran nur muhammad, nuli kaca aran mirhatulkayai, nuli nyawa aran roh ilapi, nuli damar aran kandil, nuli sesotya aran darah, nuli dhindhing jalal aran kijab. Iku kang minangka warananing kalarat Ingsun.

Truly universe and its contents were created by God. If God wants then everything can happen. God created the earth, fire, water, sky, trees and others. And God also created human beings who animate.

Wejangan ke-3 Kahananing Dzat
Sajatine manungsa iku rahsanIngsun lan Ingsun iku rahsaning manungsa, karana Ingsun anitahake adam asal saka anasir patang prakara, bumi, geni, angin, banyu. Iku kang dadi kawujudaning sipat Ingsun, ing kono Ingsun panjingi mudah limang prakara, nur, rahsa, roh, napsu, budi. Iya iku minangka warananing wajah Ingsun kang maha suci.

Truly man was created according to God's will. God created humans from earth, fire, wind, water. And God entered into human five things that nur / aura (eng: light / aura), Rahsa (eng: the feeling), spirits (eng: spirit), lust (eng: lust), kindness (eng: goodness)

Wejangan ke-4 Pambukaning tata malige ing dalem betalmakmur
sajatine Ingsun anata malige ana sajroning betalmakmur, iku omah enggoning parameyan Ingsun, jumeneng ana sirahing Adam. Kang ana sajroning sirah iku dimak, yaiku utek, kang ana antaraning utek iku manik, sajroning manik iku budi, sajroning budi iku napsu, sajroning napsu iku suksma, sajroning suksma iku rahsa, sajroning rahsa iku Ingsun, ora ana Pangeran anging Ingsun, dat kang nglimputi ing kahanan jati.

Behold, the man has a passion that comes from the brain or mind. Human passions must be controlled by feelings. And God is always with people who can control desires.

There are still many contents of this book that explains about the method to human life in the world. And what about the human relationship with God. Until now many people of Java, Indonesia, which considers this book as a sacred book. Precision needed to understand the contents of this book


Kantong Macan, Amulets Teleportation and Other Meanings

Posted by NIN 4:57 PM, under | 1 comment

Kantong Macan is a bag-shaped object, made of flesh is black, and patterned like a tiger, with varying sizes. Kantong Macan is trusted by some communities in Java, Indonesia as an heirloom that is generally shaped like a pouch that has fur and contain Mustika (eng: gemstones) (usually 2 pieces of gemstones). The function of Kantong Macan is as a means of transportation as Invisibility (teleportation), which reputedly the antiquity widely used as a means of transportation to travel up to hundreds or even thousands of kilometers in just a few minutes.

According to Javanese tradition, Kantong Macan has 4 levels, namely:
  1. Gembong (eng: Kingpin)
  2. Lodaya
  3. Djambrong
  4. Macan Putih (eng: White Tiger)

Many who could prove the function of Kantong Macan as a means of teleportation. You may believe it or not. That's up to your opinion.

There are some ancient people thought Kantong Macan is a figurative language. The point is, Kantong Macan does have a very good sense, but should be studied first.
Kantong comes from the words: Kantong (eng: bag) while Macan comes from the words: Macan (eng: tiger) that symbolizes something that is savage or lust. People who have the means Kantong Macan is a passion that can enter into the bag. That is, the person is able to control the passions.


keris, sword typical Java, full of mystical

Posted by NIN 9:19 PM, under | No comments

Keris is a kind of short sword that comes from the island of Java, Indonesia. Ancient Keris century has been used between 9 and 14. Besides being used as a weapon, a dagger is also considered to have supernatural powers, magic, magic.

Keris mostly made of iron and other materials mixture (steel), but there are some made of gold dagger. In fact, many decorated with various kinds of keris gems to add to the impression of authority.

Keris has a variety of forms, for example, there are winding blade (always an odd they are many) and some are straight bladed. Javanese people assume different forms have different effects esoteri.

Besides being used as a weapon, a dagger is also often considered to have supernatural powers. These weapons are often mentioned in many traditional legends, such as Keris MPU Gandring in legend of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes.

For most people of Java, Indonesia. Keris believed to have magical and mystical power. Keris is often used as a symbol of self-defense or fortress. for the people of Java, Indonesia, the Keris is often used as a bearer of good luck, adding prestige and create magic.

Many of the people of Java, Indonesia, which has a dagger, which is inherited from their ancestors, who have the power of magic and mysticism. People who have a dagger can be immune from firearms, more dignified and so forth. even some people of Java, Indonesia are still many who adore the keris as a symbol of wealth.